Baby Blue Velvet Set$300.00 per dayThis lounge set includes our stunning baby blue couch that seats up to three people, as well as two matching chairs and a coffee table. Burgundy Velvet Set$300.00 per day This lounge set includes our moody burgundy couch that seats up to three people, as well as two matching chairs and a coffee table.Rug priced separately. Teal Velvet Set$275.00 per dayThis lounge set includes our jewel toned teal couch that seats up to three people, one matching chair and a coffee table. Gold Velvet Set$300.00 per dayThis lounge set includes our gorgeous gold velvet couch that seats up to three people, two matching chairs and a coffee table. Orange Velvet Set$275.00 per dayThis lounge set includes our deep orange settee that seats two people and comes with one parlor chair, a rocking chair and a coffee table. Beige Buttons Set$275.00 per dayThis lounge set includes our modern settee that seats two people, two matching chairs and our drop leaf coffee table.